ACTeRS Teacher Form
Reliable, Economical Screener for AD/HD

ACTeRS is a simple, standardized form that objectively measures four separate factors: Attention, Hyperactivity, Social Skills, and Oppositional Behavior. This approach pinpoints specific areas in which the child is having difficulty and will identify children who have an attention problem, but who may not be hyperactive.

This instrument was developed by researchers at the University of Illinois Institute for Child Behavior and Development. It was standardized on approximately 4,000 teacher ratings of children in kindergarten through eighth grade. ACTeRS can be used by schools and physicians to help determine which children are likely candidates for therapeutic intervention. It can also be used to monitor the effects of medication so that dosage levels can be adjusted for maximum effectiveness.

With the paper/pencil version, raw scores are quickly obtained from the Rating Form and transferred to the Profile Form, where norm comparisons are read.

Reliabilities average .87 using various methods, including internal consistency, test-retest, and interjudge calculations.
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ACTeRS Parent Form
Improve Accuracy of AD/HD Diagnosis with Parental Input

Uniquely parallel in content and design to the Teacher Form, the ACTeRS Parent Form helps improve AD/HD diagnostic accuracy by offering a second, objective evaluation of the child's behavior. When combined with teacher ratings of student behavior, the parent observations provide a more complete representation of the child's overall behavior.

The ACTeRS Parent Form employs the same sets of behaviors to measure the same four factors as the Teacher Form: Attention, Hyperactivity, Social Skills, and Oppositional Behavior. The Parent Form enhances the Teacher Form items with additional descriptive information to help parents make accurate, informed observations about their children. In addition to the original four scales, the Parent Form includes a fifth scale in which parents provide details about early childhood behavior.

Raw scores from the paper/pencil Rating Form are easily transferred to the Profile Form, where the professional reads the normative equivalents.

Internal consistency reliabilities across the various subscales average .86.

The Parent Rating Form is also available in a Spanish translation.
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ACTeRS Self-Report
Reliably Diagnose AD/HD in Adolescents and Adults

At one time, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder was believed to be a childhood affliction, where symptoms would gradually disappear with maturation. However, newer studies suggest that 30-70% of children with AD/HD continue to have symptoms as adults and that the disorder affects 2-5 million adults (CHADD, 1999). The ACTeRS Self-Report was designed to provide a reliable diagnostic measure of AD/HD in adolescents and adults, and extending the age range of- the ACTeRS Teacher and Parent Forms.

The test items define three scales: Attention (A), Hyperactivity/Impulsivity (H), and Social Adjustment (S). Items are presented as 35 self-report statements to which examinees, ages 12 to adult, respond on a five-point scale. There's no time limit, but most people finish in 10–15 minutes.

Available for adolescents and adults, the norms for the ACTeRS Self-Report are based on more than 1,000 cases. Differences between male and female score patterns are insignificant, and reliability coefficients average .88.

Self-administered and self-scored, the test uses color coding to reduce the chance of scoring errors. Percentile equivalents of raw scores are available on the scoring key, and T-score equivalents are available in the manual.
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