MetriTech has comprehensive experience developing customized high-stakes assessments, end-of-course tests, benchmark tests, and sample tests for a broad spectrum of educational, professional, and government organizations.
Producing an outstanding product and providing the best possible customer experience to you and your stakeholders is the cornerstone of our approach to test development:
- Capacity to develop large and small assessment programs: No matter the scale of a project, we create valid and reliable assessments and assessment components in accordance with Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA & NCME, 2014), applying industry-standard review processes and stringent quality control steps.
- Familiarity with the standards: We’re well versed in education policy—before we begin development for any project, we immerse ourselves in the standards set by the client for the individual assessment program. We possess a wealth of institutional knowledge about all programs we facilitate.
- Firsthand knowledge: We employ content experts, many with extensive teaching experience, to write and evaluate items. This allows us to create more effective test content from the start, saving clients precious time and money. Over 90% of the items we create are accepted after first reviews.
- Resource networks: Throughout the life of a program, we work to build relationships with end users and other stakeholders, which helps us gather valuable feedback about the tests we’re creating. We then employ this insight to provide value-added assistance and enhancement where needed.
- Innovative item banking: Using our proprietary item-banking software, we’re able to modify items to meet client specifications, track their evolution at each stage of review, and transfer them securely for client review and approval.
- Active client involvement: We welcome and encourage the active involvement of clients and other stakeholders throughout the process. Every piece of the puzzle is reviewed and approved by the client before we move on to the next stage of development.
Regardless of the size or scope of a project, we’ll support you with value-added guidance and assistance throughout all stages of assessment development and ensure that you’re comfortable with the product before moving forward.
Here’s how we’ll help you turn an assessment concept into an actual test:
At MetriTech, we understand that the successful implementation of any assessment program relies heavily on stakeholders’ involvement. That’s why we take great care to build professional development opportunities into our assessment programs. As we create customized learning experiences, our staff works closely with clients to conduct and facilitate a variety of meetings and reviews:
- blueprint, content, and alignment reviews
- standard setting activities
- bias and sensitivity reviews
- item development workshops
- range finding sessions
- scorer training events
- other custom educational workshops to meet unique client needs
We design our workshops and seminars to engage participants and provide informed instructional opportunities. Some of our workshops include a focus on the following topics:
- the assessment development process
- assessment frameworks
- writing effective test items
- test administration procedures
- applying rubrics to score student responses consistently
- interpreting test results to inform classroom instruction
- the logistics of test materials distribution and return